Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Tour of the Alamo

Our tour of the Alamo was most informative since we had an in-depth presentation. Dr. Winders gave us information that was new to me. I toured the Alamo once by myself before but did not have a historian such as Dr. Winders give such interesting facts. Some interesting insight I gained from the tour of the Alamo included the different occupants, the building structure and the immigration of people from the United States.
I was fascinated by the fact that Dr. Winders talked about the different occupants of the Alamo.
This information was new to me since all I ever associated the Alamo with was the battle with Santa Anna and his Mexican Army. When Dr.Winders first spoke of the different occupants, I wondered how the first builders of the mission would have reacted to all the events that history has bestowed upon this historical site. The focus changed from colonization to Texas Independence and a series of other uses. It was new information to me that this historical site occupied the United States Army and also was a mercantile. The interesting fact the state, city, federal and presently a private organization have all had part in the Alamo.
Dr. Winders gave us lots of informative facts on the structure of the Alamo. I always associated the entire site as just the church part of the mission. When he explained how the United State Army completed the church by adding on the roof, I realized I need to look a little closer at these old historical sites when I'm touring them. What most fascinated me was his explanation of the real size of the mission. I never associated the outside low rock structures that are located in front of the church as part of the mission.
The immigration of people into Texas from the United States also made a connection to this historical site. During this period, Santa Anna realized too many Anglos were entering his territory and he placed restrictions if they were to live here. He soon realized that they were not abiding by these rules which lead to a battle.
In conclusion, my tour of the Alamo left me with a better understanding of historical events that happened at the Alamo. Now, when I view the movies of the Alamo I will hopefully be able to compare and contrast movies or critique them to the facts I learned from Dr. Winders.

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